TAP’s Books Most Requested

TAP Ministries sends out donated Christian Literature.  We ship to the mission field as well as support local churches in the United States.  Typically, the missionaries that we work with are ones that are home on furlough or deputation and have come through our ministry picking up some materials as they pass through.  We ship to many national pastors and foreign Bible college students that have heard about our ministry.  We also have local Pastors come through our ministry looking for very specific materials or they are helping a new assistant or college student/intern with some materials to build their libraries. 

I put together the following list of materials that we have seen the most movement on this past year.

Study Bibles:  many requests for Thompson Chain, John MacArthur, Life Application and other leading study Bibles. 


                NICOT/NICNT – I cannot say I was overly familiar with these specific commentaries put out by Eerdmans – but I have had several requests for these.  At one point this summer we had sent an entire set to the Philippines and within a month we had most of a full set back on the shelves (from several different donations).   These commentaries have 24 volumes in the Old Testament alone. 

                The Expositor’s Bible Commentary.  We have seen several requests for this 12 volume set recently.


                John Phillips“Exploring” Commentaries – We get many requests for these but we rarely ever see these commentaries come through. 

                Warren Wiersbe’s “Be” Commentaries.   We get a lot of these individually donated and many, many are looking for these books.


Handfuls on Purpose.  This set originally came in 12 volumes but in more recent years was published in 5 volumes.  It is now out of print.  Ministers who know of this series usually speak very highly of it and use it often.

Harry Ironside books are always in demand and we have had a lot of his books donated this year. 

Oliver B. Greene books.  The interest for those that are looking for these books has been high.  At the beginning of the year we had 2 full shelves and 2 totes.  By August we were down to about 1 shelf of Greene books.  As of this writing we have the 2 shelves packed and we are filling the third tote.  They have come in fast and they have gone out fast this year. 

Herbert Lockyear All” series.  People are always looking for this series.  We never have more than a few on the shelves. 

Dispensational Truth by Clarence Larkin.  We have more and more looking for this book.  I know we sent out at least 4 copies this year and we have none right now. 

Wilmington’s Guide to the Bible.  This has always been one of our most sought after books. 

Ministers are always looking for various books by John MacArthur, Lehman Strauss, John Walvoord, Dwight Pentecost, FB Meyer, Charles Spurgeon, Charles Ryrie, E M Bounds, M R Dehaan, A W Tozer, A B Simpson, John R Rice, etc.

Biographies.  We get a lot of biographies donated and we have high turnover in our biographies. 

Bible Dictionaries and Concordances.  We get many, many of these donated.  While we do have some people that are asking for these – they come in quicker than we can send them out.  I have totes full of these in storage.

Books by Charles Stanley, David Jeremiah, Max Lucado, Charles Swindoll.   We get many, many of these books donated and I don’t remember ever having someone request any of their books.  They are piling up and I do not know what to do with them all.   Same goes for the Left Behind series.  

Subjects:  Many are looking for books on specific subjects that they are teaching or preaching on currently such as:  Revelation/Prophecy,  Church History. Social issues

Sunday School materials:  Everyone is looking for Flash-A-Cards.  They want the Joyful Life or Bible Visuals all in one story and picture cards.  Some are still looking for flannelgraph – but the convenience of having one book with the cards with no flannel graph or board to worry about.






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