It doesn’t make sense – Nevertheless David…

You are facing a challenging opportunity, a new ministry or a huge obstacle.  It would make sense to change course.  In spite of doubt, criticism, perhaps even some mocking, you plow ahead.  You really should turn aside.  In spite of some doubt, some criticism, and perhaps some mocking from even those closest to you, you plow ahead.  Common sense says you shouldn’t be here – Nevertheless – you are convinced that this is where God wants you to be.  This is the story of David as he faces Goliath.  Perhaps the most well known of all Bible stories. 

                We see David in I Samuel 16 playing the harp for King Saul due to the king’s dark mood swings.  By chapter 17 David is back home watching the sheep for his father, Jesse.  His older brothers are with the military under the direction of King Saul as they are arrayed along the valley with the Philistines opposing them.  David was too young to be out on the front lines and as the court of the King was moved from its usual headquarters during times of peace out to the temporary location during time of battle, David is ushered back home. 

                Jesse wants to know what is going on with the battle (which is at a stalemate) and he wants to check on his sons.  He gives David instructions one evening to head down to the battle, take some provisions and bring back a report.   We do see the character of David on display as the Bible tells us that he “arose early”, that he left his sheep with someone to look after them and that when he arrived at the battle, he found someone to look after his father’s team of oxen.  We have here a preview of the type of person David was.   As David makes his way to find his bother’s he begins to ask questions of what is happening.  He sees the two armies in their positions across the valley from each other and he hears this giant down in the valley making boasts and threats.   As David begins to question what is going on, his brother mocks him: “With whom did you leave those few sheep in the wilderness”.  Isn’t interesting that the Bible actually gives us the answer to the question before the brother asks it? 

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                David is baffled at the lack of courage and lack of faith among the soldiers, including his own brothers.   David claims to be willing to walk into the valley and face this giant.  No one else has offered to do so even though they are all trained warriors with appropriate weapons of war.  David finds himself in front of Saul (who always seems confused by whom David is in chapters 16, 17 and 18).   The King offers David his own armor, but David refuses.  This is probably a combination of the fact that it would not fit him but almost certainly because David knew he was not worthy to be wearing the King’s own armor.  Is it interesting that no one else offered him their armor – like, for example, one of his brothers?

                David makes his way into the valley.  The armies on both sides are watching.  The stakes are high as the challenge has been made of a winner take all event here in the valley.   Goliath, the giant is laughing and mocking.  He is beside himself that the Israelites sent a child as their representative.  David, NEVERTHELESS, calmly enters this arena.   He happens to have his sling shot with him.  Accident?  I think not.  He would not go anywhere without his sling.  He stoops to grab those few smooth stones, He tells Goliath that God is on his side and calmly sends a stone into the head of the loudmouth opponent.  Game over!   The Israelites win a great victory. 

                Oh, in chapter 18 David is back playing the harp before the king – who once again seems clueless.   It would be, by most estimates, about two decades before David would become king.  His Nevertheless moment though was in the valley facing his giant with God on his side.  It went against common sense – but so often God’s plans do exactly that!






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