Loneliness – A time for God to speak!

Perhaps we have wrongly labeled being ‘alone’ as bad – we call it loneliness.  Perhaps it is when we are alone that God is trying to tell us something. 

  Note:  God came to people when they were alone

        Moses alone with burning bush

        Elijah alone with prophets of Baal, then alone by the brook

        Jeremiah, and most of the prophets

        Paul in prison

        Job without any good friends or loyal wife

        Rahab on the wall of Jericho

        Gideon hiding from Midianites

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        David vs Goliath, shepherding, fleeing from Saul

        Joseph in Egypt, prison

        Jesus in 40 days of testing

        Jesus Christ when all had forsaken Him on the cross – completing the greatest work

        John on the Isle of Patmos

So often, when these Bible characters were alone – God called them by name.  Moses at burning bush, Elijah by the brook, Paul on the road to Damascus, Gideon hiding.  We may feel alone, but God know us, wants our attention and calls us by name.

In fact – we don’t really see God coming to talk to people in great numbers. When Israel fell into idolatry with Moses on the mount, God told Moses.  When Nineveh was in great need, God told Jonah.  When God spoke to kings about their sin, God told one prophet (Nathan and David).

Let’s take the time of being alone and wait on the Lord to see what He has for us. 







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