Covid 19 and prophecy

Let me start by saying that I do not think Covid 19 is one of the pestilences prophesied about in Scripture. I do not think think that the Anti-christ is orchestrating all of this. I DO think that we can learn a lot about how prophecy will be fulfilled by watching how this plays out.

  1. People are highly motivated by fear. They very quickly give up their freedoms in order to avoid getting sick. Fear motivates beyond common sense.
  2. Economies can change very quickly. Unemployment and business failures happened within weeks.
  3. The masses bully people to adhere. If you don’t like the stay at home order or you don’t want to wear a mask or you want to go to the park – the masses will destroy you.
  4. The media is worthless. They tow the line. They have an agenda. They don’t dig for facts. They fuel the fear.
  5. Vaccines open the door for the mark of the beast. Hear me out on this one: no matter your opinion on children’s vaccines, there is a big push to have a mandatory vaccine for Covid-19. There is already talk of having some type of Vaccine pass or card. Without the pass – you will not be allowed to fly, you will not be allowed in some businesses, you will not be allowed in government agencies, etc. Sound familiar – without the Mark of the Beast – you will not be allowed to buy or sell. Under the guise of something good and beneficial (vaccines) everyone lines up for that which is mandated by the government. Watch out!

This pandemic may not be the ushering in of the Anti-christ but it sure gives us a pre-cursor to how it can happen

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One response to “Covid 19 and prophecy”

  1. Barbara Leaman Avatar
    Barbara Leaman

    Very interesting, and thought provoking!

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