Peter: When you think you know better – Nevertheless!

Luke 5

Peter grew up in a fishing family and in a fishing community.   Fishing was what he knew.  It was what he did.  It was how he supported his family.  I would imagine Peter would tell you that there were a lot of things he knew nothing about.  But fishing – that was something he knew very well.

                As we come to this passage we find Peter and his companions just wrapping up a long, fruitless night of fishing.  That happens.  No matter how well we know our job, sometimes we just have a long, unproductive day at work.  Peter had that here.  He had “toiled all the night, but caught nothing”.  He was now, as any dedicated professional would be doing, he was putting away his tools of the trade.  He was cleaning his nets and preparing them for the next day (or night as the case was here).  He was cleaning out the junk that his nets had snagged, washing them, folding them and getting them ready for what he was sure would be a better the next night out.  He was tired and no doubt frustrated.  Frustrated that he had worked hard all night but had nothing to show for it. 

                It was in this setting that Jesus came.  Jesus very simply told Peter to send the boats back out and fish some more.  It is now that Peter is faced with a life changing decision.  He probably did not realize it at that moment but he had to decide if he was going to follow his experience and knowledge of fishing or follow the advice of this one called Jesus. 

                Here are some things to consider before we look at the details.  This would end up being Peter’s last professional day of fishing.  After Jesus had died and rose from the dead, Peter would suggest they all just go fishing.  They indeed go fishing and that is where Jesus finds them as he cooks fish for them on the shore.  (Isn’t it interesting that Jesus is cooking fish for the disciples while they are trying to catch fish themselves?)  Jesus will then have the well known dialogue with Peter in which Jesus will ask Peter: “Peter, lovest thou me?”  Peter of course will respond “Yes Lord, Thou knowest that I love Thee”.  Jesus will counter with “then feed my sheep”.  In other words – “Stop fishing Peter – it’s time to minister for me now!”.   So, the moment we are looking at is Peter’s last day of commercial, professional fishing before he will leave all and follow Christ.  His other encounter with fishing appears to be very short and purely for recreation as he tries to distance himself from his problems   Oh, and of course Jesus knew right where to find him too!

                Peter, the seasoned and experienced fishermen had a choice.   He had no doubt tried all of his favorite spots fishing the night before.  He had no doubt worked very hard  Now he was tired, ready for bed and ready to try again that coming night.  He knew the best times to go fishing and those times were now past.  Now was time for cleaning, preparing and for rest.  Yet, the Master had just told him to go back out.  Wouldn’t it have been easier if Jesus had just come to him when he was still out on the water?  Wouldn’t it have been easier if he wasn’t already working on his nets?  Wouldn’t it have been nice if Jesus had come the night before and told him where to fish and where not to fish?  That would have been easier, but that is now how the Master works. 

                Peter shares with Jesus his concerns: “We have toiled all the night and caught nothing…”   Jesus knows this of course.  Not only is he God and knows all, but he is also standing there and can see that there is nothing going to the market on this day.  But – this is where Peter has his NEVERTHELESS moment.  He completes the sentence with: “…nevertheless, at thy Word we will go fishing”. 

                Simple rule to live by:  When Jesus says it is time to go fishing; we best go fishing.  You might be thinking to yourself: “Jesus is probably not going to tell me to go fishing”, and you would be right.  But how about these: 

                “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee”

                “ComeThis creates problems like affliction, cynicism, shortage of focus and viagra levitra online a lot of self control, but it is possible. Simply make sure that you focus on getting your sex life back by using women viagra online medications instead of locating the root cause, these symptoms could accelerate and lead to a serious cardiac event in the future. The nitric oxide levels levitra prescription on line decline as we age. They include: Low sexual drive or low libido Arousal disorder Painful coition – dyspareunia Difficulty in achieving an orgasm – anorgasmia A woman discount buy viagra buying that might experience a combination of physical and psychological issues could include certain health issues such as anxiety, depression, stress and feeling of guilt can cause impotence. to me all ye that labor and are heavy laden”

                “Go ye into all the world and teach all nations”

                “Abide in me”

                “Walk in the Light”

                “I will come again and receive you unto Myself”

                When Jesus tells us something to do or something to think – we best do it!

                Peter accepted the fact that Jesus had told him to back out.  Go back out during the wrong time of the day.  Go back out after a fruitless night.  Go back out when you are most tired.  Go back out when every other fisherman around you will think you are crazy.  Go back out when you don’t really want to. 

                “Nevertheless, at Thy Word we will go fishing”.  That was a deciding moment for Peter.  The Peter that preached on the day of Pentecost and the Peter that was willing to give his own life for Christ as a martyr was settled and determined on the seashore after a long night of catching no fish. 

                We know how this story went.  Peter did go back out. Peter and his crew caught so many fish right away that they had to summon another boat to come haul them back in.  (Just a thought:  they other boat could have gone out at the Word of Jesus too, but didn’t until the catch came in.}   The boats almost broke under the strain of the bounty of fish. 

  1. The best night Peter EVER had fishing was the same night he caught nothing and went home to wash his nets! 
  2. This was his last night of fishing for a living.  He would follow Jesus now.  Do you think following Jesus was a lucrative job?  Do you think Peter could support his family on the income from Jesus Discipleship program?  This was the same Jesus that had no where to lay His own head.  Perhaps, just maybe, the incredible bounty of fish Jesus gave them that day was just enough of a surplus of income that it would stabilize Peter’s income for a period of time as Peter became a Follower of Jesus Christ.
  3. Peter realized that Jesus not only knew a lot about the Scriptures and how to teach and preach but Jesus also knew a lot about fishing.  And about fish.  And about EVERYTHING! Jesus was God.  He had complete control over the fish and Peter will find out, over the storms and over the waves and over the science that allowed Peter himself to actually walk on the water.  He was God!

Have you had that moment?  That moment that you are quite sure in your experience and expertise at your career, but Jesus tells you it is time to go against your instincts. 

                Ever leave your job and all of its benefits in order to follow the Master?

                Ever move away even if your extended family gets mad at you because you knew it was what Jesus wanted?

                Ever teach that Sunday school class when you felt inadequate?  Ever sing in the choir when you knew it was probably not your best gift? 







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