Have you ever had a Nevertheless moment? What exactly is a Nevertheless moment, you might be asking. That moment when all of your common sense and experience is telling you one thing, but you are quite sure that the Holy Spirit is telling you something quite different. It’s that moment you go against your gut and against your intuition.
Peter was a career fisherman when Jesus told him to go back out and fish after Peter had fished all night and caught nothing. The three Hebrew children could see the fiery furnace when they decided not to bow to the statue. David was not a soldier when he walked into the valley to face the seasoned giant. Daniel knew the cost of praying even when it was illegal. Jeremiah preached though no one listened. Esther walked into the court though she had not been invited. With each of these and many more throughout the Word of God, their actions defied common sense and reason. When all things pointed to the left hand, they chose right. When everyone else chose one door they chose the other. These all had their own Nevertheless moments. Have you?
Over the next couple of articles we will look at a few Bible characters and look into their ‘nevertheless’ moments.
- Pastor Wes
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