Category: Ministry

  • The significance of the Nursery Worker!

    The church cannot underestimate the value of Great Nursery Workers!  Here are a few things to keep in mind: 1). The Nursery Worker is the first person that a visitor with children will meet.  Almost every church I know is trying to entice the young family with children to visit the church and join the…

  • Three types of people in our churches

    There are three types of people in practically every area of our lives:  Those that make things happen, those that watch things happen and those that sit around and wonder “What happened?”.   This is true of our churches as well. 1. There are those that make things happen.  The old adage tells us that…

  • 5 signs of a Family-oriented Church.

    A vibrant church is a church that (among the many other areas we look at) also has its focus on the family.  What does it mean to have a Family-oriented church? 1).  Classes and and training for all ages.  A family oriented church will have some of the following: Sunday School classes, Children’s Church, Children’s…

  • A Christ-centered Church

    To build a vibrant church it is essential that the local Church is Christ-centered.  Here are some quick points: 1. Mankind exists to bring Glory to Jesus Christ and the Godhead.  Therefore the Church’s full focus and goal is to glorify the Almighty.  Every service, activity, program, board meeting, Sunday school class, bus route, etc…

  • Preeminence of the Word of God

    The vibrant growing church MUST exalt the Preeminence of the Word of God!  The Word of God is the cornerstone of all that the church believes and all of the goals that we strive for. Churches today will far too often focus on catchy programs, slick advertising, gimmicky lesson series, feel good advice messages, etc.…

  • Discipleship Minded

    A vibrant church must be Discipleship Minded.  We must be telling souls about Jesus Christ, but it must not stop there.  We must be helping people grow in the Lord once they have accepted Him as Saviour. We previewed the Discipleship book Daily in the Word on December 12 on this website.  This is a great…

  • Prospects

    I believe it is essential for a vibrant, growing church to keep records of prospects.  This should be done in a couple of different categories. 1. Prospects for church attendance or membership.  Those people that have come through the church that are looking for a church home.  These are probably found on your visitor cards.…

  • Attention to detail – part 3

    Here are some general tips: 1. Make sure your website, Facebook page, and other online properties are up to date! 2. Remember special days – don’t overlook Veterans Day, Grandparents Day, September 11, Pearl Harbor Day, or others – especially if they fall on the Sunday. 3. Recognize anniversary’s, birth of grandchildren, work accomplishments and…

  • Attention to detail – part 2 (the facilities)

    Attention to detail is essential in your facilities as well.  Here are some pointers: 1). The Sanctuary.  Keep it clean, neat, and orderly.  If you have chairs, straighten them.  If you have pictures or banner – make sure they are level.  If you have microphone wires – wrap them and keep them neat. Straighten the…

  • Attention to detail – part 1

    The leadership of a vibrant church must be focused on the details.  We understand the big picture: souls being saved, lives being changed, and people growing in Christ.  However, your congregation is usually focused on the small details. Did you put their formal name of ‘Richard’ in the church directory or their nickname of ‘Dick’?…