• Be Ye Holy – sermon transcript

    Be Ye Holy – sermon transcript

    And so this morning I want to talk about holiness within the constraints of revival, within the parameters of talking about personal revival, what it means to have a heart on fire for God. Part of that, or one of the tenets of that I want to look at is the subject of holiness. Holiness…

  • TAP’s Books Most Requested

    TAP Ministries sends out donated Christian Literature.  We ship to the mission field as well as support local churches in the United States.  Typically, the missionaries that we work with are ones that are home on furlough or deputation and have come through our ministry picking up some materials as they pass through.  We ship…

  • My recommended booklist

    My recommended booklist

    Here is a list of books that I think are “must have’s” in my library. I have been working on this list for a number of years and it is ever-evolving. Bible study books: Strategy of Satan – Warren Wiersbe Understanding how Satan attacks Living by the book – Howard Hendricks Understanding the structure of…

  • God knows me better

    Matthew 10: 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. 30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows. The sparrow does not fall without the Father knowing it.…

  • It doesn’t make sense – Nevertheless David…

    You are facing a challenging opportunity, a new ministry or a huge obstacle.  It would make sense to change course.  In spite of doubt, criticism, perhaps even some mocking, you plow ahead.  You really should turn aside.  In spite of some doubt, some criticism, and perhaps some mocking from even those closest to you, you…

  • Loneliness – A time for God to speak!

    Perhaps we have wrongly labeled being ‘alone’ as bad – we call it loneliness.  Perhaps it is when we are alone that God is trying to tell us something.    Note:  God came to people when they were alone         Moses alone with burning bush         Elijah alone with prophets of Baal, then alone by…

  • Why I am not a Calvinist

    Pastor Wes Gunther Vitamin C and A rich citrus fruits help to reduce cartisol, a stress hormone. viagra cheap generic That is why; collected in best price viagra gallbladder aggressive, acidic bile is causing damage of its walls and makes gallbladder the primary target for the surgical knife. In 2008, while Democrat Barack Obama won…

  • Covid 19 and prophecy

    Let me start by saying that I do not think Covid 19 is one of the pestilences prophesied about in Scripture. I do not think think that the Anti-christ is orchestrating all of this. I DO think that we can learn a lot about how prophecy will be fulfilled by watching how this plays out.…

  • It’s okay to miss things

    The old proverb tells us “Absence makes the heart grow fonder”. There is definitely truth to that. When we are away from that which we love, we begin to realize how much we truly appreciate it. We have been away from church now for over six weeks as I write this. We have not had…

  • Peter: When you think you know better – Nevertheless!

    Peter: When you think you know better – Nevertheless!

    Luke 5 Peter grew up in a fishing family and in a fishing community.   Fishing was what he knew.  It was what he did.  It was how he supported his family.  I would imagine Peter would tell you that there were a lot of things he knew nothing about.  But fishing – that was something…

Got any book recommendations?